The Hollywood
IV, Part I
Well, the Internet
Movie Database only lists one movie adapted from this play:
the 1979 BBC-TV version.
That's kind of a shock. Every time I read an interview with
some Shakespearean actor, they always mention that their favorite
character, the one they'd most like to play, is Falstaff, who,
as far as I know, makes his debut in this play. Guess it goes
to show that what's popular with Shakespearean actors and scholars
isn't necessarily what's popular with Shakespearean audiences.
Well, unfortunately, I can't make much comment on the movie version
listed, since I haven't seen it. And don't bother searching on
Amazon.com, either: you just get a list of every movie that has
"Henry" in the title, or someone named Henry in the
cast. As far as I know, the only way to buy the BBC videos is
as a complete set, which according to my Lit Professor, ran the
school about $2500 (but trust me, it was well worth it). Anyway,
if you know of any other way to purchase these videos, please
e-mail me, and let
me know. |