The Play
To read the play online, click
on one of the links below:
Alternately, you can go to Project
Gutenberg and download one of three versions of the play,
each one available as either a TXT or ZIP file.
- Macbeth: An In Depth
Analysis is part of the Thinkquest website. It's a hypertext
version of the play, with frames; you can read the play on the
left side of the screen, and while you're reading, click on highlighted
words, which will appear in the glossary frame on the right.
Also offers scene summaries. There's a pop-up window when you
first go to the site, with a link to a URL that my browser can't
- Lynch
Multimedia's Macbeth. Offer's two versions of the play: a
prose adaptation (in modern English), and the original text,
viewable alongside the adaptation. A good site if you're really
having trouble with the play. (Although I'd recommend watching
the play before trying to read it, and before using the Lynch
- Pioneer Training
also has a hypertext version of Macbeth, complete with a glossary
and some speech summaries for the first three scenes. (It also
promises to have the rest finished "soon", but hasn't
been updated in two years. Like I should talk.)
PLAY. Did you know that this play is cursed? This link leads
to a rather interesting article about the tortured history of
its performance. For more about this, see the next site.
- Birnum
Wood on the Net. Created and maintained by Widya I. Zulkassim,
this is, quite simply, the best collection of Macbeth links that
I've been able to find. In addition to the standard links to
online texts and other resources, she includes information about
new classroom techniques for teaching the plays, links to upcoming
live performances, and several links dealing with the "curse"
of the play. Highly recommended.
- Enjoying "Macbeth"
by William Shakespeare. This is Ed Friedlander's great Macbeth
page. From the author's disclaimer: "Warning: Macbeth is
nasty. This page is nasty. I have a high regard for truth and
I talk plain." Nuff said.
- Ravi P. Shah's Macbeth
Site has scene-by-scene summaries of the play, plus information
on the life of Shakespeare, major themes in the play, and a quiz
over the play.
- Myk and Andrew's Macbeth
Homepage also contains scene summaries and character analyses,
as well as some informational content on the Curse and historical
references. This site also serves as an example of how not
to use backgrounds to make your web page more readable; some
of it will, frankly, give you a headache from trying to read