A Midsummer
Night's Dream
The Play
To read the play online, click on one of the links below:
Alternately, you can go to Project
Gutenberg and download one of three versions of the play,
each one available as either a TXT or ZIP file.
- William
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
This is the official website for the Fox Searchlight movie version.
It's a really pretty, Flash-y sight, with a trailer, information
about the cast, plus some actual educational material. Since
the movie didn't do all that well, though, I doubt it will be
up for long.
- Enjoying "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. This
is Ed Friedlander's "Midsummer" page, a great all-around
- A
Midsummer Night's Dream Hypertext. Offered on the University
of Northern British Columbia, this is a really well-annotated
hypertext version of the play, complete with a glossary and mythological
references in the play.
- The School of
Midsummer Dreams. Created by students for a ThinkQuest competition,
this site contains a lot of great resources, including an e-text
of the play and a JavaScript- based quiz. There's also support
for students to interact, offering up their own essays and artworks
to the project.