The Play
To read the play, click on one
of the links below:
Alternately, you can go to Project
Gutenberg and download one of three versions of the play,
each one available as either a TXT or ZIP file.
- The Tragedy of Othello. Created by Ron Mann for his English
33 course at Beaumont High School in Alberta, Canada. Includes
a lot of great information about Drama in general, and about
Othello in particular, including character synopses and a plot
- Shakespeare's
Othello. This is a great
page done by Eric Knepp, a student at Susquehanna University
in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. Includes a brief summary of the
characters, short scene-by-scene summaries, and pages devoted
to the history of and racial issues in the play. As a pleasant
surprise, it also has a page which lists the works cited in the
website (more stuedents need to learn to do this).
- Phillips Academy English: Othello. This page contains a series of short
essays written and defended by student in a Shakespeare class
at the Phillips Academy in Andover, Pennsylvania. Some of them
are no more than a couple of paragraphs long, but most of them
are pretty interesting.