The Play
To read the play, click on one of the links below:
Alternately, you can go to Project
Gutenberg and download one of three versions of the play,
each one available as either a TXT or ZIP file.
- Richard III:
A Play for our Time. A ThinkQuest competition site created
by three students at what I presume is a secondary school in
Germany. This is a great site with a lot of different analyses
of the play from different perspectives (psychological, historical,
etc.). It's available in both a framed and a no-frames version.
- Richard III Society.
This is the homepage of the founding British branch of the society,
the purpose of which "is to promote research into his life
and times, and thereby secure a reassessment of his reputation
and of his place in history." This is a good place to go
to determine how much of what Shakespeare wrote was based on
actual historical fact, and how much was written to please his
patrons. The Society also has branches in the
United States, Canada,
and Australia.
There's also a Richard III
Foundation, Inc., which organizes historical tours of Engalnd,
and offers a lot of similar information on their website; other
than that, I don't know what connection there is between the
two organizations, if any.
- The
History of King Richard the Thirde. Written by Sir Thomas
More in 1513, this is probably the main source for Shakespeare's
play. Be forewarned that it's written in Middle English, and
a little hard to read.
- Shakespeare
RULES! A website created by Joe Dietrich and others at the
University of Maryland. It includes a plot summary, a summary
of Act V, and the real reason for visiting the
site: an "update" of the story featuring characters
from the Star Wars mythos.
Richard III. This is the official website for the movie with
Ian McKellen and Annette Benning. I can't believe this site is
still up, since the movie came out quite a while ago; most studios
delete their "offical" webpages for a movie once the
film is released on video. It does have a few broken links, though.
- The
Trial of Richard III. This was a novel idea that took place,
I believe, in 1996: why not actually hold a trial to determine
whether or not Richard III was guilty of murder? It was held
at the Indiana University School of Law at Bloomington, with
none other than U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist
presiding. This link takes you to a page where you can listen
to (in RealAudio® format)
Dean Fred Aman's introduction to the trial (about five minutes)
or to the trial itself (about eighty-two minutes), then follow
the link to read about the verdict (no, I won't spoil it for
you). Great idea.