King Lear
The Play
To read the play online, click
on one of the links below:
Alternately, you can go to Project
Gutenberg and download one of three versions of the play,
each one available as either a TXT or ZIP file.
- King
Lear Resources on the Web.
This is a great site hosted by Rutgers University. It includes
links for online texts, critiques, sources for the play, artwork,
and films. Really top-notch.
- Enjoying
"King Lear" by William Shakespeare. This is Dr. Ed Friedlander's Lear page;
he's got a lot of great historical information, plus summaries
from the play.
- King
Lear. This is a great
site by Jeremy Bandini, which includes the complete text of the
play, plus a summary of the play, a "who's who" character
guide, Lear images, a King Lear quiz, and, of course, King Lear
links. Highly recommended.
- King
Lear's PalaceNET. Created
as an extra-credit project by Cabrillo High School honors English
student Kevin Richards, this site has his scene-by-scene study
notes for the play (plus a really nice picture of Warwick Castle).
- King
Lear at Thistletown.
Hosted by what I think is a Canadian high school, this
site has the entire text of the play, plus a plot summary, character
sketches, and biographical and historical information about Shakespeare
and the Globe Theater. Unfortunately, it also has sound clips
from the play; it can be quite annoying when you're switching
from page to page, especially since some of the clips sound like
they've been corrupted: it's like listening to a scratchy old
45 r.p.m. record. (Man, am I dating myself with that one, or
- King Lear Hypertext.
Wow, this site, created and maintained by students and their
professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has the complete
text of the play, plus a ton of great contextual information.
It's done in frames, which normally I don't particularly care
for, but they've managed to do it in a way that isn't too bad.